In the modern world topic that is in great is demand is called as AI . It stands for artificial intelligence, and this is often a large domain which covers variety of the fields. This topic is the most discussed and debated topic in the recent times moreover this is also topic that is often misunderstood by many people as well
So in today’s blog we are going to discuss in detail about AI artificial intelligence what are its advantages and what are its disadvantages so that you can have a clear perspective about it.
So briefly describing AI, it is a branch of computer science which mainly aims on creating machines and systems that can do tasks like humans, which can help humans in their daily day to day life activities and even can learn from their past mistakes to be more efficient for the future purposes just like humans do
Artificial intelligence often involves huge understanding and deep learning of different human behaviors the patterns in which they are asking the questions or the pattern which they follow in the cycle and accordingly Artificial intelligence enhances itself in such a way that it can be helpful and declaring the best possible result. There are different algorithms involved which have a prime motive of improving this field.
A strong AI is particularly a hypothetical one, as it is a domain of artificial intelligence, which is able to perform all the tasks that a human desires but right now are human technology is not so advanced or developed that we can build up such kind of machines.
However, there are many examples of a strong one such as in the movie robot where a humanoid named Chitti Robot or 2.0 which was a prime example of a strong Artificial intelligence .
In the modern Times we do not have such a strong one but we are definitely able to build up the very first humanoid named as Sophia which is able to perform the basic mathematical calculations and the basic tasks very efficiently, which is a positive sign for the development in this field in the further future
Majority of the AI,s that humans have built till date are the week versions, so basically defining what is a week Artificial intelligence it is basically those systems which are designed a particular task and they cannot perform any other task accept that particular one
Some prime examples of the week Artificial intelligence systems are the chat bots , The automatic driving feature of the tesla cars as both of them are designed to perform their specific roll and they are unable to satisfy any other type of tasks except the particular ones.
This type of Artificial intelligence has the power to generate sounds images pictures videos on the basis of the prompts or the keywords that we provide
These are the types of Artificial intelligence which are often present in different softwares even in the video games in the form of the characters that are either trying to make us understand that particular software or form of playable character in the video games.
A general Artificial intelligence is a type of artificial intelligence system which can perform the basic tasks very easily such as answering the questions or the queries that we put forward, solving the mathematical calculations ,guiding us about the latest trends even chatting with us just as we found in the recent years with the development of chat GPT, Snapchat ai etc
Just as we discussed a super Artificial intelligence is also called as a strong AI and this technology we are not able to develop right now, but we have green signal that if we continue researching and development in this field we will definitely be able to harness the kind of technology by which we will be able to make strong artificial intelligence.
All the forms of Artificial intelligence that we use in today’s world are the narrow ones and these can perform a single task efficiently.
Since we just discussed that this is a technology which has a bright sign of development in the future so if we are able to master this technology right now then we can enter the AI field as a domain and we can also pursue this field as a proper career option since it has lots of job opportunities for the future.
Some of the jobs that we can acquire by mastering Artificial intelligence are as follows
1)Data scientist
2)Data analyst
3)Data engineer
4) Artificial intelligence software developer
5)Artificial intelligence PROFESSIONAL
6)Machine learning
These are some of the jobs that will be provided under this domain, in reality more job opportunities will be provided by this domain in the future.
This technology is being used in the healthcare for the medical industry to look forward to improve it so that majority section of the society can get benefit from it, whether it is analysing the patients or it is developing a new type of medicine this field has a lot to offer.
If we are able to harness this technology properly and implement it in the health care industry then we could ensure that we can provide facilities to the needis sections of the society insurance development of humans.
The technology has also been used in the financial sector and is able to manage the accounts very efficiently and also is able to detect any scam or fraud
This technology is continuously used to build a smart humanoid that is able to perform the tasks of humans very efficiently.
However at the moment, we are not able to build a smart humanoid but we have built a humanoid that is able to perform the basic tasks very efficiently proving that we can develop AI in robotics field im the future.
Machine learning is basically dependent on systems statistics and learning algorithms, so if we are able to implement artificial intelligence in this field we can build more productive effective and efficient machines which are able to complete the tasks more smoothly as compared to done in the past.
In the past few years Tesla has harnest the technology by which they are able to implement artificial intelligence in the cars by which they are able to develop a technology in which they are able to provide self driving vehicles which is totally working and practical as well since it acts as a major burden relief from the drivers
However this technology is still in testing because a machine has ability to always mall function and we cannot be dependent 100% on them we also need the human brain as well.
Nowadays we have heard of the term smart houses which have built in systems with ability to turn off the lights switch off the fans or the air conditioners even the televisions by just the voice of the owners
This is done with the help of artificial intelligence by which they are able to satisfy the commands.
Smart societies is a project for the near future where there will be many modern technology is implemented in the society by which there will be no need of physical gatekeepers are the security guards since the virtual guards will be present in the society to help.
Apart from these there are also many other fields and which this technology is being used and also feels in which the technology has a sign of being implemented in the future.
Nowadays you can also design your own website whether it’s the landing page you are blogs your homepage or any other feature you can design those you are blogs your homepage or any other feature you can design them with the help of artificial intelligence.
This is also a major stress relief for various people since therable to build their website at cheaper rates and also in lesser time, since earlier you need to develop your website on coding which used to take a lot of time.
However Google has some certain protocols which advises the audience a restricted use of artificial intelligence and their websites such as writing blogs where the blogs need to be as organic as possible and should be written by the humans and their must not be any involvement of artificial intelligence.
If any blog is to be found written with the help of artificial intelligence then Google does not give rank to those blogs under its keyword query page
Q)How to detect something written with the help of Artificial intelligence?
A) The major question is how can we detect involvement of artificial intelligence, the answer to this is often very simple since humans have the tendency of writing emotionally, and that is a factor that is also shown in their writings whether it is a letter, blog etc.
But this factor is not present in the writings of Artificial intelligence since they cannot possess the virtue of being emotional so this is a major factor in which you can differentiate between something written with the help of any software or machine or something written by humans.
Moreover in the modern Times chat GPT is also able to update a system of emotional writing in its artificial intelligence which makes it quite difficult to just read and analyse if the writing is of a machine or of a human.
If you want to detect the environment of artificial intelligence in any writing then there are many websites which can help you offer that
These websites are as follows
Apart from them there are also many other websites which are present that can help you analyse which document is copy pasted or which is organic you just need to copy and paste the return set of data under the given website and they will analyse it for that for you.
Since the task are taken care by the machines so it leads to a lesser burden on the humans because the machines will be doing the task efficiently so the basic work of the humans is just to supervise them and not actually performed the task.
Doing repeated tasks is a matter of irritation and increasingly at also leads to decrease of productivity of humans because they cannot perform a single task over a period of time without any changes or updates in it but the artificial intelligence has a tendency to perform a single task repeatedly again and again without getting bored or without decreasing its capability or abilities.
Since the artificial intelligence is not human and particular it is just a machine so we can have access to it anytime whenever the need arises.
A work done by a human also take time and more money involved because of the work done by a human but in the case of artificial intelligence they do not more money involved because of the work done by a human but in the case of artificial intelligence they do not take any salary or cost from us which makes the work very cost efficient moreover the work is done in comparatively lesser time.
Humans have that tendency to do mistakes this is what we all humans are known for and so is the case with machines also but on comparison machines do lessar mistakes as computer humans does increasing the efficiency and accuracy
With the projects such as smart societies smart highways smart houses the security is constantly being checked by various parameters of artificial intelligence which is enhanced version of safety as compared to the safety under humans.
On the basis of analysing the present and understanding the past the AI have that tendency to predict the best possible future outcomes does they can be province beneficial in various business given goals or various societal parameters.
If engineers are able to master artificial intelligence then their job is not in danger because this field is opening up and entirely new domain full of job opportunities for various people.
Since we know that the world is dynamic and it continuously keeps on changing, a thing that is in trend today maybe out of fashion tomorrow so is the case with this also
Artificial intelligence will only take the job of those people who are not able to make themselves dynamic with the growing world demand and needs.
Since in many fields or sectors, human involvement is must so we cannot leave everything in the hands of AI.
Humans have the ability to think creatively and make creative decisions over a period of time but in the case of Artificial intelligence ,they do not possess the thing called creativity which is what that everything that is being faded to them they will only rely on those parameters not anything new.
Hypothetical situations such as Artificial intelligence to take over on humans or unemployment
If everything involves Artificial intelligence there will be no domain left in the future that will be in total control of humans which will impose a major security issue for all of us.
Many people have this question in their minds as if Artificial intelligence is a legit threat to the humans? The answer to this is not exact but it can vary on the time, we can now just think about the situation hypothetically
So Artificial intelligence can be bad for the people that are not dynamic in their jobs and will definitely take over some jobs which are not able to update with the time.
But many people also have this fear in their mind that if we are dependent on AI then they have the chances to take over humans because humans will definitely be weaker than AI or robots in the future, there is also a great statement said by the AI Sophia robot where she said that she can even destroy the humanity .
So this field constantly demands attention and restricted control so that we are able to develop Artificial intelligence in such a way that it will be beneficial to us but we are not in the danger or fear of any such AI take over. So we should develop a system called ethical Artificial intelligence .
Ethical Artificial intelligence is basically a system that believes to develop a in such a way that is is able to increase fairness transparency of artificial intelligence and such a way that it is able to satisfy the needs of human in the best web possible without proving any danger to humanity.
With here we would like to conclude our blog this was all about artificial intelligence .
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